Churchill Cigar Lounge
2415 San Diego Ave, San Diego, CA 92110


  1. RG on August 6, 2021 at 9:31 am

    I have been to several cigar tobacconist places in Orange County and after getting to know the owners there I have noticed that my treatment was not the same when I did not join their club of sorts, this is very disappointing because I have been told by others that I am a stand-up man. This store is the only place I have been to that treats me like I own a Lambo(own a mercedes) and I am always going to be a client of this establishment. In addition, the section of cigars is excellent, if not the best I have ever seen. It is also great that they have a fine selection of micro brews. I have brewed my own in the past, so its a nice compliment to the cigars. Thanks team Churchhill , you are the best!!

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